There are many ways to train runecrafting in OSRS. Here are some of the best methods:

  1. Start with basic training: Start by learning the basics of runecrafting. This includes learning how to create runes, how to use runes to cast spells, and how to use runes to enchant items.
  2. Get help from a Runecaster: If you want to learn more about runecrafting, you can get help from a Runecaster. A Runecaster can teach you about all things rune-related, from basic rune creation to advanced rune casting and enchanting techniques.
  3. Take classes: If you want to learn more about runecrafting specifically, there are many classes available that teach the basics of the craft. These classes can be found in most towns and cities in OSRS.
  4. Use resources: There are many resources available online that can help you learn more about runecrafting. These include forums and websites where people share their experiences and advice, as well as books and other materials that focus on specific aspects of the craft.