There are many different fishing methods that can be used for profit and XP, but the most profitable ones are those that use a combination of both. Here are five of the most profitable fishing methods for profit and XP:

  1. Angling with a Bigger Net: This is one of the most popular fishing methods for profit and XP because it is so easy to do and can produce high yields. The biggest advantage to using a bigger net is that it can catch more fish, which means you will earn more money.
  2. Fishing with a Longline: Another popular fishing method for profit and XP is using a longline. This type of fishing produces large amounts of fish at once, which makes it an ideal choice for larger tournaments or tournaments where there are many fish to catch.
  3. Fishing with a Fly Fishing Rod: Fly fishing is another popular method for profit and XP because it produces high yields without having to spend much time on the water. With fly fishing, you can also use different types of flies to produce different results, which makes it an ideal choice for those who want to make some serious money while they’re playing sports or playing other activities.
  4. Fishing with Catches: Catches are another common type of fishing method used for profit and XP, and they can be very helpful in achieving high yields. When using catches as your main source of income, you will need to be careful not to overfish or underfish your catches, as this will affect your profits significantly.