The Shape Builder Tool is a great way to create shapes in Illustrator. You can use it to create basic shapes, such as rectangles, circles, and triangles, or you can use it to create more complex shapes. To use the Shape Builder Tool in Illustrator, first open the toolbox and select it from the menu. Then click on the shape you want to create. The Shape Builder Tool will start creating the shape for you. You can control how theShapeBuilderTool creates the shape by using different options. You can choose whether the tool creates a straight line or a curve. You can also choose how wide or narrow the shape should be. And you can choose whether the shape should be filled or not. If you want to change how theShapeBuilderTool creates the shape, then you need to select another option from the menu and then click on that option. The new option will take over for the old option if it is available.