If you’re like most Photoshop users, you probably use artboards to organize your images and designs. But what are they, and how can you use them to your advantage? In this article, we’ll explain what artboards are, how to create them, and some tips for using them in Photoshop. What Are Artboards? An artboard is a rectangular or square area on a Photoshop document that you can use to organize your images. You can have as many artboards as you need—they’re unlimited. Each artboard can contain any number of images, and they all share the same space on the document. How to Create an Artboard in Photoshop To create an artboard in Photoshop, first select the area on the document where you want to create the board. Then choose Edit > New Artboard (or press Ctrl+N). The New Artboard dialog box will appear (Figure 1). Figure 1: The New Artboard dialog box lets you specify the size and location of your new board. The Width field specifies the width of the board in pixels (px), and the Height field specifies its height in pixels (px). You can also enter a percentage value if you want the board to be proportionally larger or smaller than its default size. The Location field lets you specify where on the document the new board will be placed. By default, it will be placed at coordinates 0,0 (the top-left corner of the document). You can also drag it anywhere on the document by using your mouse cursor. The Copy Aspect Ratio checkbox allows you to preserve image proportions when creating your new artboard. If this checkbox is unchecked, then Photoshop will automatically resize all images inside of an artboard so that they fit within its boundaries—even if those boundaries don’t match up perfectly with image proportions. ..