PlayStation 4 parental controls are a great way to keep your children safe and protected while playing games. By setting up parental controls on your PS4, you can limit what they can see, hear, and do on their PlayStation 4. This will help keep them safe while playing games and protect them from potential harm. To set up parental controls on your PS4, first open the PlayStation 4 Settings app and click on the Parental Controls tab. On the Parental Controls tab, you will need to set up a few basic settings. In the General section, you will need to set the age of your child when they can play games. You can choose to have your child play games until they are 18 or have them play for 12 hours a day. You can also choose to have them only use certain types of games or apps for a specific period of time. In the Restrictions section, you will need to set how often your child can access their PlayStation 4. You can choose daily or weekly restrictions. You can also choose whether or not they are allowed to use online services like Netflix or Hulu Plus during restricted periods of time. In addition, you can choose whether or not they are allowed to access any type of content that is owned by other people such as music, movies, books, etc., during restricted periods of time. In the Security section, you will need to set how secure your PlayStation 4 is with parental controls enabled. You can choose either a two-factor authentication system or an encrypted password system for added security. You also need to decide if you want any type of warning when their Playstation 4 is used without permission from you. You can choose one of three warning messages: “Your child has used this device without permission”, “Your child has accessed sensitive information”, or “Your child has violated our terms and conditions” In addition, you may want to consider using an anti-virus software program on