If you’re a PlayStation 4 owner, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of PlayStation Now. It’s a new service that lets you rent games and TV shows from Sony’s online store. And if you’re like most people, you probably use it to buy games and TV shows. But what if you don’t have any money? What if your friend doesn’t have any money? Well, there’s a way to send them PSN money without having to worry about it. Here are four tips on how to do it:

  1. Sign up for PlayStation Now and rent some games or TV shows. This will give your friend the opportunity to try out some of the new games and TV shows that are coming out this year. Plus, it’ll give them something to do while they wait for their next payment from Sony.
  2. Use the PlayStation Now app on their phone or computer. Once they’ve signed up for PlayStation Now, they can use the app to find all of the games and TV shows that they need. Just be sure that they have an internet connection so that they can play those games and watch those shows without having to wait for their next payment from Sony.
  3. If your friend doesn’t have an internet connection, there are ways to send them PSN money without having to rely on their phone or computer. You can try sending them cash or using a credit card service like PayPal or Stripe. either way, make sure that you get their contact information so that you can follow through with your payment plan when it arrives.
  4. Finally, don’t forget about your own safety! Make sure that you never send anyone money without first verifying their identity or verifying their bank account information first!