Sony has announced that they will be removing family management features from the PlayStation 4. This means that parents will no longer be able to restrict their children’s access to games, or monitor their online activity. Sony has stated that this change is in response to feedback from gamers, who have expressed a desire for more freedom when it comes to gaming. This decision is sure to upset many parents who rely on PlayStation 4 family management features to keep their children safe. It’s unclear how Sony plans to replace these features, or whether they will even try. If Sony does not offer a satisfactory solution, some parents may choose to switch their children over to another platform entirely. This change is likely to have a significant impact on the gaming industry as a whole. Parents are now free to let their children play any game they want, without fear of punishment or restriction. This could lead to an increase in video game addiction among young people, and could damage the long-term reputation of the PlayStation brand. ..