If you’re like most people, you probably have a screen in your living room that’s used to watch TV or play games. But if you’re like me, you also have a screen in your bedroom that’s used to watch movies and play games. And if you’re like most people, you probably don’t know how to record your PS4 screen. There are a few different ways to record your PS4 screen, but the way I do it is by using the PlayStation Camera. The PlayStation Camera is a small device that sits on the top of your PS4 and captures video and audio data when it’s connected to the console. To use the PlayStation Camera, first connect it to your PS4 by plugging it into an outlet and then plugging it into an HDMI port on your TV. Then press the power button on your PS4 to turn it on. Once the PlayStation Camera is turned on, press the left analog stick inwards until you see a white light come on. Then press the right analog stick inwards until you see a green light come on. Now wait for about 10 seconds until both lights turn off and then press the power button on your TV again to turn off the PlayStation Camera. Now disconnect the PlayStation Camera from your PS4 by plugging it into an outlet and then unplugging it from your TV. Now take out your phone or computer and open up Sony PlaystationCamera app (it’s available for free on Google Play). Once open, input what room of your house you want to capture video from (in my case, my bedroom). After inputting this information, click “Start Recording” at the bottom of the app window. The app will start recording video automatically in this room for about 10 minutes while you’re still able to control what’s happening with the left analog stick and right analog stick while watching video recorded by PlaystationCamera in this room. After