Sony’s PlayStation 4 is one of the most popular gaming platforms on the market, and with good reason. The console offers a great variety of games to choose from, as well as a wealth of features that make it an ideal choice for gamers of all levels. One of the most important features of PlayStation 4 is its primary screen. This screen is used to control all game play activities on the console, including selecting which game to play, changing settings, and more. To make your PlayStation 4 primary screen as powerful and useful as possible, you’ll need to make some changes to your system settings. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  1. Set the PS4 primary screen resolution to a higher level than your other screens. This will give you better graphics and better performance when playing games.
  2. Disable any third-party software that may be interfering with your PS4’s performance. This includes but is not limited to antivirus programs, music players, and video players.
  3. Make sure that your PS4’s power supply is compatible with the console’s requirements. Many models offer different wattages so it’s important to check before purchasing.