If you’re a professional illustrator, then you know that going back to Illustrator is a common practice. After all, it’s the program that helps you create beautiful illustrations and graphics. But if you’re just starting out, or if you don’t have a lot of experience with Illustrator, there are some things that you should keep in mind when returning to the program. Here are some tips:

  1. Make sure that your files are in the correct format. If they’re not, Illustrator will likely not recognize them and will give you an error message.
  2. Make sure that your files are in the correct folder. If they’re not, Illustrator will likely not recognize them and will give you an error message.
  3. Make sure that your files are in the correct directory for your computer’s operating system. If they’re not, Illustrator may not work properly on your computer or may crash while trying to open them.
  4. Make sure that your files are in the correct folder for your software version (for example, Adobe Photoshop). If they’re not, Illustrator may not work properly on your computer or may crash while trying to open them.