If you’re looking for a new addition to your Sims 4 household, you may want to consider getting a dog. There are many different breeds of dogs available on the game, and each has its own personality and abilities. Here are some tips on how to get a dog on Sims 4 PS4:

  1. Start by checking the animal shelters or adoption centers. There are often dogs available for adoption that were not chosen for the game because they didn’t fit one of the pre-made breeds. These dogs may be available at a lower adoption fee, so it’s worth checking out all of your options before making your final decision.
  2. If you don’t want to adopt a dog, there are also many pet stores in town that sell puppies and adult dogs. Be sure to research which store has the best deals on specific breeds of dogs before making your purchase.
  3. If you already have a Sim in your household who is interested in getting a dog, try asking them if they would be willing to take care of one while you’re away on vacation or work overnight shifts. This can be an easy way to add another member of the family without having to go through the hassle of adopting or purchasing a new pet from a store. ..