If you’re experiencing problems with your PlayStation 4 controller’s drift, there are a few things you can do to try and fix the issue. Here are four tips to help:
- Check the batteries If your controller is having trouble staying in place, it might be because the batteries are low. Make sure to replace the batteries if they’re low, and try using a different set of batteries if that doesn’t work.
- Clean the controller’s buttons and sensors If your controller is drifting because of dirty buttons or sensors, you’ll need to clean them before trying to fix the issue. Use a soft cloth or a toothbrush to clean them off, and make sure to dry them off completely before using them again.
- Try adjusting the sensitivity settings on your controller If adjusting the sensitivity settings on your controller doesn’t work, it might be because they’re set too high or too low. Try adjusting them until they’re just right for you, and make sure not to go over 50% or under 50%. ..