If you’re experiencing a right stick drift on your PlayStation 4, there are a few things you can do to fix it. Here are four tips to help you fixPS4 right stick drift:

  1. Use a torque wrench to tighten the screws on the stick until they’re really tight. This will help keep the stick in place and prevent it from drifting.
  2. Use a vacuum cleaner and bucket to suck up any dust or dirt that may be causing the right stick drift. This will help to fix the issue and keep your PlayStation 4 in good condition.
  3. Use an air compressor and air hose to clean out any crevices or nooks on the stick that may be causing it to drift. This will help to fix the issue and keep your PlayStation 4 in good condition.
  4. Reset your PlayStation 4’s system settings if you’re experiencing right stick drift on occasion. Resetting your system settings can solve many issues, including right stick Drift on PlayStation 4