If you’re like most people, you probably have a sky background in your Photoshop file. But if you’re like me, you probably don’t know how to fix it. The sky is overexposed in Photoshop because of the way the software calculates brightness levels. When you take a picture of the sky, Photoshop sets the brightness level for the image to be 100% (or more). But when you take a picture of the sky with an overexposed background, Photoshop sets the brightness level for the image to be less than 50%. So when you take a picture of the sky with an overexposed background, your camera will get an image that is too bright and will not be able to capture all of the details in the sky. To fix this problem, we need to change how Photoshop calculates brightness levels. We need to set up a new Brightness Levels setting in Photoshop and then use it to take pictures of our sky backgrounds with properly exposed backgrounds.