Adobe Illustrator is a powerful vector graphic design program that can be used to create logos, illustrations, and other graphics. In this article, we will show you how to fill in Adobe Illustrator using the various tools and features available. To start, open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document. You can use any size or shape for your document, but we recommend using a standard A4 (or US letter) size so that your illustrations will print well. Next, choose the Pen tool from the toolbar and draw a simple line in the center of your document. This line will be our starting point for all of our fills and strokes. Now let’s start filling in our illustration! To begin, click on the Fill button located in the Tools panel and select the Gradient fill type from the menu that appears. Select the first color from the gradient bar at the top of the window and click on OK to apply it to your line. Next, select the second color from the gradient bar and click on OK to apply it to your line. Finally, select both colors from the gradient bar and click on OK to apply them both to your line. Your illustration should now look like this: The next step is to add some basic shapes to our illustration. To do this, use either of two methods: you can either draw them manually or use one of Adobe Illustrator’s built-in shapes tools . We recommend using one of these methods because they are more accurate than drawing them manually . To draw a shape manually , simply drag and drop it onto your document from within Illustrator’s drawing area . To use one of Adobe Illustrator’s built-in shapes tools , first select it from within Illustrator’s drawing area by clicking on its icon . Then simply drag and drop it onto your document where you want it to appear . Your illustration should now look like this: Now let’s add some ..