If you’re tired of seeing your Facebook feed filled with posts from people in your “Thug Life” group, it might be time to delete the group altogether. Facebook groups are a great way to connect with friends and share common interests, but if you’re not using them to make connections with new people or learn new things, they can start to feel like a burden. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the Thug Life posts and want to delete the group, here’s how:

  1. Go to Facebook’s main page and click on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. This will open up your account’s settings.
  2. Under “General Account Settings,” click on " Groups." This will open up a list of all of your groups. If you don’t see the Thug Life group listed, it’s probably because it hasn’t been active for a while and has been removed from Facebook’s list of active groups. (You can still see all of your other groups.)
  3. Click on “Thug Life” to open its settings page. (If it doesn’t appear in this list, that means it’s been deleted.)
  4. On the “Group Settings” page, under “Group Name,” click on “Delete Group.” This will take you back to Facebook’s main page and show you that the group has been deleted. ..