If you have an account on the DC Universe website, you may want to consider deleting it. This is because there is a new, more aggressive way for Warner Bros. to manage user data and it may not be what you expected. Warner Bros. has been using a new system called “behavioral tracking.” This system uses cookies and other tracking technologies to understand how users interact with the website and the content they access. The company then uses this data to improve the experience for all of its users, including those who have accounts on other websites like Netflix or Hulu. The main use of this data is to better understand how people watch its content and what types of ads are most effective at reaching them. But there are also a number of other purposes that Warner Bros. has yet to disclose. For example, it could use this data to target ads specifically at young people or people who are watching a lot of violence or horror movies. If you’re concerned about this new system, there are a few ways that you can try to stop it from being used without having your account deleted:

  1. Use an ad blocker on your browser so that Warner Bros.’s cookies don’t get sent anywhere else than the DC Universe website. This will help keep track of your activity on the site and won’t allow any other companies’ cookies to be used in place of your own personal ones.
  2. Use privacy settings on your device so that Warner Bros.’s tracking technologies aren’t active at all when you’re not using the website (or when you’re using an ad blocker). This will help keep track of your activity on the site but won’t allow any other companies’ tracking technologies to be used in place of your own personal ones either.