If you’re a Facebook user, there’s a good chance that you’ve seen the “Delete Act Score” feature. This is a tool that allows you to remove any negative comments or ratings that have been left on your profile by other users. The “Delete Act Score” feature is very useful for removing negative feedback from your profile. However, be sure to use it responsibly - deleting negative comments without taking into consideration the consequences could lead to your account being suspended or even deleted. To use the “Delete Act Score” feature on Facebook, first open the Facebook app and sign in. Then click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen and select “Edit Profile.” Under “Profile Settings,” select “Delete Act Score.” Once you’ve made this change, click on the blue checkmark next to “Delete Act Score.” Now you can use the “Delete Act Score” feature to remove any negative ratings or comments from your profile. Be sure to take into consideration the consequences before deleting any negative feedback - deleting without taking into consideration potential consequences could lead to your account being deleted.