If you’re a web user, you know that Safari is one of the most popular browsers on the planet. And if you’re a business user, you know that Safari is one of the most popular browsers for managing your website’s traffic. But what about users who just don’t visit your website anymore? What about those who only use Safari for browsing the web? There’s a way to delete a top hit on Safari without having to go through the trouble of deleting all of your pages and data. All you need to do is set up a preferences file and add an entry for “Safari” in it. Then, when someone visits your website from Safari, they’ll see the “Safari” preference instead of the “Web Page” preference. This method works best if your website is hosted on a server that’s accessible from anywhere in the world. But it can also be used on websites that are only accessible from within America or Europe. So long as your website isn’t hosted on a server that’s inaccessible from anywhere in the world, this method should work fine. Just be sure to follow these steps:

  1. Set up a preferences file 2) Add an entry for “Safari” in it 3) Use this method when your website is only accessible from within America or Europe