Watercolor is a popular painting medium that can be used to create beautiful and realistic paintings. In order to create watercolor in Illustrator, you will need to first learn how to use the tools available in the program. In this article, we will be looking at some of the most common watercolor tools and how they can be used to create beautiful and realistic paintings. We will also cover some tips on how to improve your watercolor skills.

  1. Begin by opening Illustrator and choosing its main menu option, called File > New > Painting Tool. This tool allows you to create new layers, which are important for creating detailed textures and patterns in your paintings.
  2. Next, choose a brush size and width that you feel comfortable with. You can also experiment with different brush types or colors if you want more variation in your final product.
  3. Once you have created a new layer, drag it into the desired location on your canvas using the left mouse button or right arrow keypad (depending on your keyboard layout). When dragging, make sure that you keep all of the layer’s properties at their default values (such as opacity). You can then start painting by pressing the left mouse button or right arrow keypad while keeping all of these properties at their defaults.