Tommy’s is a popular fast food restaurant that many people love. However, some people complain about the smell of the restaurant. There are many ways to clean Tommy’s with a dirty smell, but which one is the best? The first way to clean Tommy’s with a dirty smell is to use bleach. Bleach will kill any bacteria or mold that may be causing the smell, and it will also remove any dirt or dust. Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection when using bleach, as it can be harmful if ingested. The second way to clean Tommy’s with a dirty smell is to use baking soda. Baking soda will absorb any moisture or oil that may be causing the smell, and it will also neutralize odors. Be sure to rinse off all of the baking soda before leaving the area, as it can cause damage if left on surfaces for too long. Neither of these methods are 100% effective in removing all of the odor from Tommy’s, but they are both effective in reducing its severity. If you have difficulty removing the odor from Tommy’s using either method, consider calling in a professional cleaner. ..