If you have a rabbit, you know that they love to chew on their toys and the cage bars. This can lead to rabbit poop all over the cage and floor. Here is how to clean rabbit poop from cage:

  1. Remove all of the toys and any food that may be in the cage.
  2. Fill a bucket with warm water and place it in the corner of the room where the rabbit is kept.
  3. Place your hands inside of the cage, above and behind the animal, and lift it out so that it can stand on its hind legs.
  4. Pour water over its head from a height of about 2 feet, using a spray bottle if necessary, until its coat is wet all over.
  5. Hold onto its tail with one hand while using your other hand to rub its backside vigorously for about 30 seconds until most of the water has been removed.
  6. Put the rabbit back into its cage and dry it off with a towel or paper towel before returning it to its bedding or play area. ..