If you’re like most people, you probably use your shower doors to cool down after a long day. But if you’re like me, you also use them to clean the glass. The shower doors can get dirty and smudged with dirt and dried sweat. And if they don’t get cleaned regularly, they can start to look old and faded. So how do you clean them? You can use a dryer sheet. It’s a simple way to clean glass shower doors quickly and easily. First, take a piece of paper towel and place it on the bottom of the shower door. Then place the door on top of the towel so that it’s touching both sides of the door. Now hold onto one end of the dryer sheet and place it over the top of the shower door so that it’s covering all of the glass in both directions. Now slowly move the dryer sheet around until all of the dirt and sweat has been cleaned away from both sides of the door. Be sure to keep an eye on it so that it doesn’t move too much or it will start to smudge again! Once everything is clean, remove the dryer sheet from under the shower door and let it air-dry completely before putting it back in its rightful spot in your bathroom!