If you have a braided rug, it’s time to clean it. Braided rugs are made of many small loops of yarn, and they can get dirty quickly. Here are four ways to clean a braided rug:

  1. Use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment. Make sure to use the correct attachments for your rug and be careful not to damage it.
  2. Use a broom and dustpan. Sweep the dirt and dust off the rug and into the dustpan.
  3. Pour some white vinegar onto a cloth or paper towel and spread it over the surface of the rug. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, then vacuum up the vinegar residue.
  4. Wet a cloth or paper towel with water and wring out as much water as possible before blotting it dry on the rug surface. Rubbing alcohol can also be used as an alternative to water, but be careful not to damage the fabric ..