If you’re like most people, you probably keep your PlayStation 4 game saves on your computer. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer who wants to be able to play any game at any time, or just want to have a back-up in case something goes wrong, backing up your saves is a good idea. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  1. Choose the right storage device The first thing you need to decide is which storage device to back up your PlayStation 4 game saves onto. If you’re only using one computer, then the best option would be an external hard drive. However, if you have multiple PlayStation 4 systems and want to keep them all backed up on different devices, then an internal hard drive is the way to go.
  2. Back up your save files regularly Once you’ve chosen the storage device and backed up your save files regularly, it’s time for the next step: creating a backup file. This will include everything from your game data (such as profiles and settings) to all of your saved games. You can create a backup file in any format that you like (including PDF), but make sure that it’s easy enough for you to open and understand when it’s needed.
  3. Use cloud services for backups If you want to back up your PlayStation 4 game saves onto the cloud, there are several options available. One option is Sony Online Entertainment’s Game Pass service; this allows you accessto all of Sony Online Entertainment’s games without having them installed on your PlayStation 4 system. Another option is Microsoft OneDrive; this service allows users to store their entire digital library of music, movies, books and other content in one place so that they can access it anytime they want without having to worry about losing anything important.