If you’re like most people, you probably use Illustrator to create graphics for your website, print materials, or even just for fun. But did you know that you can also use Illustrator to add color swatches to your designs? In this article, we’ll show you how to do it. First, open up Illustrator and create a new document. You can use any size or shape that you want, but we recommend using a square or rectangle so that the color swatches will be easy to see. Next, select the Rectangle tool (M) and draw a rectangle on your document. Make sure that the fill color is set to black and the stroke color is set to white. Now click on the Fill button (G) and select the Color Swatch palette from the drop-down menu. Select the blue swatch from the palette and click on OK. Your rectangle should now look like this: Next, select the Ellipse tool (L) and draw an ellipse around your blue rectangle. Make sure that both fill colors are set to black and stroke colors are set to white: Now select both circles by clicking on them once each with the Selection tool (A). Copy (Ctrl+C) them so that they’re not selected anymore: Next, go back to your original blue rectangle and click on it once with the Selection tool (A). This will make it active again. Paste (Ctrl+V) both circles into it: Your design should now look like this: You can now save your file as usual by clicking on File > Save As… > File Name: ..