Gradients are a great way to add a touch of color to your text. You can use them to add a gradient from one color to another, or even to create a gradient in between two colors. Here’s how to add a gradient in Photoshop:

  1. Open Photoshop and click on the Gradient tool.
  2. Drag the Gradient tool over the text you want to gradient, and then release the mouse button. The Gradient tool will automatically adjust its opacity so that it is at its darkest point at the bottom of the image, and then gradually lighten as it moves up the text.
  3. To change how the gradient looks, click on one of the options below: -To make the gradient start at one end and go all the way down, drag down on one end of the Gradient tool until it becomes dark brown or black. Then release your mouse button so that it starts moving up again. This will create a gradual gradient from dark brown to light brown along your text’s surface. -To make the gradient start at one end and go all the way up, drag up on one end of the Gradient tool until it becomes light brown or black. Then release your mouse button so that it starts moving down again. This will create a gradual gradient from light brown to dark brown along your text’s surface without having to drag down on either end!