There are many opportunities for students to gain experience in the field of gaming. One such opportunity is working as a sub-editor for a video game magazine. There are many different types of sub-editors, and each has their own set of skills and abilities. One type of sub-editor is the reviewer. Reviewers are responsible for reviewing games and giving their opinions on them. They must be able to critique games objectively, and they must be able to write clear, concise reviews. Another type of sub-editor is the writer. Writers are responsible for creating stories within video games and writing them into magazines. They must be able to write well, have a strong imagination, and be able to think outside the box when it comes to storytelling. There are many different types of sub-editors available in the gaming industry, so it’s important that students find one that fits their skillset and interests. There are many different opportunities for students to gain experience in the field of gaming, so it’s important that they find one that fits their skillset and interests.